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06.06.2023 (Tuesday)


Regular Seminar Jorge Santos (Cambridge University, DAMTP)

13:15 IC
room H503


20.01.2021 (Wednesday)

AdS Euclidean wormholes

Regular Seminar Jorge Santos (Cambridge)

14:00 IC
room Zoom

``We explore the construction and stability of asymptotically anti-de Sitter Euclidean wormholes in a variety of models. In simple ad hoc low-energy models, it is not hard to construct two-boundary Euclidean wormholes that dominate over disconnected solutions and which are stable (lacking negative modes) in the usual sense of Euclidean quantum gravity. Indeed, the structure of such solutions turns out to strongly resemble that of the Hawking-Page phase transition for AdS-Schwarzschild black holes, in that for boundary sources above some threshold we find both a `large' and a `small' branch of wormhole solutions with the latter being stable and dominating over the disconnected solution for large enough sources. We are also able to construct two-boundary Euclidean wormholes in a variety of string compactifications with a similar that dominate over the disconnected solutions we find and that are stable with respect to field-theoretic perturbations. However, as in classic examples investigated by Maldacena and Maoz, the wormholes in these UV-complete settings always suffer from brane-nucleation instabilities (even when sources that one might hope would stabilize such instabilities are tuned to large values). This indicates the existence of additional disconnected solutions with lower action. We discuss the significance of such results for the factorization problem of AdS/CFT.’' Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 980 6207 6339 Passcode: 913115

10.10.2018 (Wednesday)

Connecting the weak gravity conjecture to the weak cosmic censorship

Regular Seminar Jorge Santos (University of Cambridge)

13:15 KCL
room S2.49

I will describe some counterexamples to (weak) cosmic censorship in anti-de Sitter spacetime that have been found recently. These are solutions in which the curvature grows without bound in a region of spacetime visible to infinity. I will also discuss a surprising connection between some of these counterexamples and an apparently unrelated conjecture called the weak gravity conjecture.

02.02.2017 (Thursday)

Localised Black Holes and Precision Holography

Regular Seminar Jorge Santos (DAMTP)

13:00 IC
room H503

We numerically construct asymptotically global AdS_5 x S^5 black holes that are localised on the S^5. These are solutions to type IIB supergravity with S^8 horizon topology that dominate the microcanonical ensemble at small energies. At higher energies, there is a first-order phase transition to AdS_5-Schwarzschild x S^5. By the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence, this transition is dual to spontaneously breaking the SO(6) R-symmetry of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills down to SO(5). We extrapolate the location of this phase transition and compute the expectation value of a scalar operator in the low energy phase. In addition, we discuss the construction of localised black holes in type IIA, which are dual (via T-duality) to the low temperature phase of thermal 1+1 dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a circle.

01.12.2016 (Thursday)

Localised Black Holes and Precision Holography

Regular Seminar Jorge Santos (Cambridge)

13:00 IC
room H503

We numerically construct asymptotically global AdS_5xS^5 black holes that are localised on the S^5. These are solutions to type IIB supergravity with S^8horizon topology that dominate the microcanonical ensemble at small energies. At higher energies, there is a first-order phase transition to AdS_5-Schwarzschild x S^5. By the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence, this transition is dual to spontaneously breaking the SO(6) R-symmetry of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills down to SO(5). We extrapolate the location of this phase transition and compute the expectation value of a scalar operator in the low energy phase. In addition, we discuss the construction of localised black holes in type IIA, which are dual (via T-duality) to the low temperature phase of thermal 1+1 dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a circle.

11.11.2015 (Wednesday)

Black holes with a single Killing vector field: black resonators

Regular Seminar Jorge Santos (DAMTP, Cambridge)

13:15 KCL
room S.0.13

We numerically construct asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes in four dimensions that contain only a single Killing vector field. These solutions, which we coin black resonators, link the superradiant instability of Kerr-AdS to the nonlinear weakly turbulent instability of AdS by connecting the onset of the superradiance instability to smooth, horizonless geometries called geons. Furthermore, they demonstrate non-uniqueness of Kerr-AdS by sharing asymptotic charges. Where black resonators coexist with Kerr-AdS, we find that the black resonators have higher entropy. Nevertheless, we show that black resonators are unstable and comment on the implications for the endpoint of the superradiant instability.